Andrews Memorial Hospital
24hr Access - (876) 926-7401 | Cell: (876) 618-1810

AMH News

AMH Outreach Clinic

AMH Outreach Clinic

The Andrews Memorial Hospital Administration deems it a pleasure to express gratitude to all the members of the AMH Outreach Clinic Team, who wholeheartedly gave of their time, effort and expertise in ministering to more than 140 persons in Spalding, Clarendon on...

NCU Career Symposium

NCU Career Symposium

On March 19, 2013 the Northern Caribbean University held their annual Career Day Symposium at the main campus in Mandeville, Jamaica. A team consisting of five(5) professionals from various departments represented AMH splendidly. Careers At AMH Deverly Walker,...

Health Benefits of Sorrel

Health Benefits of Sorrel

Sorrel drink is a festive beverage in Jamaica that is consumed mainly during the Christmas time along with the Jamaican fruit cake. However, while this fascinating perennial herb is cultivated all over the world for a wide variety of purposes, in Jamaica, sorrel is...

Health Benefits of Coconut Water

Health Benefits of Coconut Water

It is summer and our minds drift to the beach, cookouts and fun. We cannot however, forget the heat! Summer is in full swing and we are all feeling the heat. Keeping properly hydrated is extremely important this time of year. We can do this through one of the most...

Andrews Memorial Hospital