Andrews Memorial Hospital
24hr Access - (876) 926-7401 | Cell: (876) 618-1810

It gives me great pride and joy to extend greetings to ALL nurses during Nurses’ Week 2013. In particular, I would like to salute the tireless effort and commitment of the hard-working Nursing Staff of Andrews Memorial Hospital Limited, recognizing that the success of our institution is for the most part due to their sterling effort, their consistent devotion to duty, and their resolve to do an excellent job.

As we assess the quality of delivery, I am happy that we are on target to accomplishing our goal.  I am also happy to be a part of this wonderful and dynamic team that has proven, without a shadow of a doubt, their commitment to put in action our Mission to alleviate pain and suffering and to cater to the spiritual, mental and physical needs of our clients, a commitment to deliver service of the highest quality.

The work of a nurse is extremely vital to healthcare, and it is no easy task; no other healthcare professional has consistently more patient contact.  We are aware of the many challenges you face on the job; sometimes uncooperative patients and demanding relatives.  Amidst it all, nurses continue to give of themselves in the saving of human lives, while offering emotional support, and encouragement to their patients.

Our nurses at Andrews Memorial Hospital have responded to these challenges with the highest commitment to excellence within a Christian atmosphere, helping to make all of us the beneficiaries of the one of the finest health care facility in the corporate area and Jamaica at large. For this they deserve our profound appreciation and respect.

Nurses, your work, worth, dedication and faithfulness to the cause have not gone unnoticed.  It is with this in mind that we have once again scheduled the week of activities with the view of letting you know that we value the service you offer to AMH.  These token are just a minute way of showing our appreciation but as the song writer Kittie L. Suffield says:

 “Little is much when God is in it Labor not for wealth or fame. There’s a crown—and you can win it, If you go in Jesus’ Name.”

We cannot give you what you are truly worth but the King of Kings will give you your just reward.

As you celebrate this week under the theme- ‘Today’s Nurse: Informed, Competent, Compassionate and Caring in Service’– it is my prayer that you will receive a special blessing from God that will empower you in an even more effective way to meet the challenges of delivering optimum health care in Jamaica.

On behalf of the Executive Team and the non-nursing staff of Andrews Memorial Hospital Limited, I congratulate our nurses again during this special week of recognition and pray God’s continued blessing on your efforts and the institution.

Andrews Memorial Hospital